DCN workshops | Nice to meet(up) you!
One of our biggest challenges for this year in Digital Communication Network is the fact that we want to work more closely with each country that has DCN members by creating local communities and helping you collaborate, solve local issues, share local insight and opportunities. Our first step was the FB local closed groups (by the way, feel free to join us here, according to your home country). Our next step was the first meet-ups and we had a great time in all the cities we visited. In this article, we’ll share our happy moments!
Editor: Marianna Tanagia
Sarajevo | Building influence online: Instagram for media and influencers
DCN’s executive manager Stela Roman and DCN’s Vice President Franak Viacorka were the facilitators of Sarajevo’s workshop, held during Point 8.0 Conference.
Despite the fact that the workshop was scheduled on Saturday morning (at 9.30 a.m.), we run out of chairs and we were so happy about that! Franak Viacorka talked about Instagram for media and organizations and he shared a ton of tips and tools for creating engaging content online.
Stela Roman explained who influencers are, what their power is and how understanding the algorithm, your audience, and your goals will help you in becoming a quality influencer.
If you want to get access to the speakers’ presentations, don’t hesitate to join the DCN Balkans group on Facebook!
Tallinn | How influencers and start-ups can work together
Second DCN meetup went beyond our expectations! DCN’s President Artur Gurau, Franak Viačorka and board member Nikolai Kvantaliani talk about how influencers can establish startups, how working together could benefit start-ups and influencers and how can someone monetize influencers’ content. The discussion was lively and inspired and if you live in Estonia you can join us here in order to be part of country’s community.
Lviv | How to organize your teamwork on social media
Another amazing meet-up happened in Lviv, during Lviv Media Forum. Franak Viacorka, in a full house, shared his tips on how to organize efficient teamwork within your social media team, to develop automation of workflows as well as content and marketing strategies, and tricks in order to gain engagement on different social media platforms.
The audience shared ideas and opened the discussion, which is still going on DCN Ukraine closed group! Feel free to join it in order to get access to the presentation, videos, and many opportunities!
Sofia | From reach to engagement. Marketing strategies for digital content
It was a big pleasure seeing such an active and engaged community in Sofia! We were happy to share our insights at the meet up on Monday and to talk more in-depth about DCN on Tuesday at Cosmos Coworking Camp.
Franak covered topics as tools and services for digital analytics, tricks for promoting the content and alternative ways of promotion. His presentation will be uploaded on closed DCN Bulgaria group, so if you missed it, join us and participate in the online conversation.
Riga | Building influence. How to create awesome visuals and interactive projects
DCN doesn’t stop on weekends! Our meet up in Riga was the first one that we had to close the registration one week before the event due to the express sold out of the free tickets.
This time, Franak covered topics like the creation of graphics and interactive content in a save-time way, interactive content, and content repackaging at EU House. Latvia’s closed FB group will host this presentation as well as many new opportunities for collaboration!
Bucharest | How to create partnerships for impactful campaigns, content, and products
Our next event will be held this Saturday in Bucharest. If you are interested, register yourself here!
Our feedback
It’s a tremendously rewarding experience to see so much interest in the countries we visit. This is a sign that our idea to develop and support local DCN communities was the right one. Moreover, we want to keep in touch with you and continue our work locally. Thanks, everybody who is helping us in the countries that we visit! We are truly blessed with amazing DCN members!
Be part of DCN’s community
We want to meet as many of you as we can! Don’t be shy — attend the events and let’s keep the discussions going! Learn more about next meet-ups on our official Fan Page!